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Your RepMax Player Card Awaits You.

Showcase your skills, stats, and highlights with one simple QR code.
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The College Transfer Portal is Killing Your Student-Athlete's Scholarship Dreams!

High School Scholorship offers are DOWN A STAGGERING 38%

Your Athlete's Digital Resume: The RepMax Player Profile Opens Doors to College Scholarships.

NFC Technology
RepMax uses NFC technology which allows for quick and seamless transfer of information between devices. This makes it easy for college recruiters to quickly access and review the student-athlete's information, without having to navigate through multiple pages or sources.
All Relevant Information in One Place
RepMax consolidates all relevant information about the student-athlete in one place, including measurables, grades, game film, college questionnaire, and more. This makes it easier for college recruiters to have a complete understanding of the student-athlete's abilities and potential.
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Custom QR Code.

Make it easy for college coaches to instantly access your athlete's complete profile from anywhere.

Data-Driven Insights.

Track profile views and engagement to measure interest from college programs.

Always Up-to-Date.

Easily update and manage your athlete's profile as they progress and achieve new milestones.

They Said It Couldn't Be Done... But These Parents and Athletes Proved Them Wrong and Scored Scholarships in the Process!

The transfer portal might be making headlines, but these RepMax families are writing their own success stories. Don't just take our word for it – hear from the parents and athletes who turned their college dreams into reality, even in the face of fierce competition. They've navigated the new recruiting landscape, mastered their online presence, and unlocked scholarship opportunities they never thought possible. Their secrets? A little bit of hustle, a whole lot of talent, and the RepMax advantage. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and maybe even a little bit jealous (in a good way, of course). These testimonials prove that with RepMax, your athlete's future is brighter than ever!

RepMax Recuiting Features

Repmax playercards making is easy to share athletes info faster!

Sharing your athlete's vital information with coaches and recruiters has never been easier!
See How It Works

repmax qr code enhancing visiblity

With RepMax's QR codes, athletes can easily create digital profiles that highlight their athletic performance, academic accomplishments, and personal stories, making it easier for coaches, recruiters, and fans to discover their potential.
See How It Works

complete Analysis
of your
qr code or

Unlock powerful conversion insights. RepMax is using the only platform empowering brands to track their entire sales funnel, from offline advertising spend to online conversions.
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Here are some impressive metrics.


student-athlete profiles


college coaches


athlete-coach connections

RepMax News & Insight